
Privacy Policy

Protecting your data

Lansbury Worthington Limited is a limited company incorporated in England and Wales and is a ‘controller’ under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our Data Protection Officer is Mr. Charles Worthington, a director of the firm. This notice contains information about what data we collect and store about you and why. It also tells you who we share this information with, our approach to data security and how to contact us if you have a complaint.

This policy deals with all personal data that we collect. At the end of this notice is a section that deals specifically with what happens to any data collected by this website.


What data will we collect?

We only collect information about you that is relevant to your case or the matters that we are dealing with for you. This will include information from you which is defined as ‘personal data’ such as personal details, family, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, work and business details and information about the matter we are helping you with.

We will obtain this information from you, and from other people you ask us to collect this data from such as friends, family, professional or medical advisers, and witnesses. We will also collect data from other agencies connected with your case such as the court, the Police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Probation Service and we will tell you when we receive this information.


What is our Basis for processing?

We need to process your personal data to do the job that we have contracted with you to do, and to comply with our legal obligations – for example in proceedings we have a duty to the court or tribunal, and to our regulator to record sufficient information to do our job properly and professionally. It is also in our legitimate interests to process your data because we need to be able to demonstrate to you, our regulators and any court or tribunal that we did do our job properly and professionally.

In some circumstances we may ask you to give us your consent to process your data. If we do that you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting our Data Protection Officer.


Special categories

We may also collect information that is referred to as being in a ‘special category’. This could include physical or mental health details, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, sexual orientation and details of Criminal convictions etc. Rules for processing this type of information are strict. Conditions are met if processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or wherever courts are acting in their judicial capacity.


How will we use your data?

We may use your information for providing legal services to you - advising and acting on your behalf, maintaining our accounts and records for those matters, training, supporting and managing staff and occasionally promoting our goods and services to you.


Who will we share your information with?

Under our Code of Conduct there are very strict rules about who we can share your information with and this will normally be limited to other people who will assist with your matter. This may include barristers, solicitor agents and other providers of legal services who act as our agents, medical and other experts, interpreters and private investigators, healthcare professionals, social and welfare organisations, and courts and tribunals. Where information is shared in this way we will ensure that that these people will only use it for assisting with your matter. We will ensure that they deal with your data securely and comply with the same data protection rules that apply to us. In some cases, such as with Barristers, they may have a direct obligation to you, and may send you a similar privacy notice to this one setting out why they are processing your data and how they will treat it.

When sharing information we cannot transfer your personal data to a country outside of the EEA unless we need to do this for the performance of your contract with us or for the exercise or defence of legal claims on your behalf.


Who else will we share your information with?

Where you authorise us we may also disclose your information to your family, associates or representatives and we may also disclose your information to debt collection agencies if you do not pay our bills. In certain circumstances under Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism rules we may have a statutory duty to disclose personal data to the National Crime Agency. For further details on this please see our general terms and conditions.


How long will we keep your information for?

To fulfil our professional obligations to you and in case it is important to you or us to have access to a record of any work we have done we will normally keep your information throughout the period that we do work for you and afterwards for a period of six years. In some cases we may retain your information for a longer period and we will advise you of this at the time (for example where you have told us that you need access to the documents for a longer period and we have agreed to this). More information is set out in our data retention policy which is available on request from our data protection officer.


Security Arrangements

We operate to the Law Society Lexcel Practice Management Standard and shall ensure that all the information that you provide to us is kept secure using appropriate technical and organisational measures. In the event of a personal data breach we have in place procedures to ensure that the effects of such a breach are minimised and shall liaise with the ICO and with you as appropriate. More information is set out in our information management and cyber security policy which is available on request from our data protection officer


What rights do you have?

Under the GDPR you have the right to be informed that we are processing your data, and the right to see the information we hold about you. You can tell us if there is anything wrong and ask for it to be corrected. You can also ask for the data to be erased. These are not absolute rights and we will consider your request in the context of the basis and reasons for the processing. While we do this you can ask for the processing of the data to be restricted. In most cases you have a right to portability which means that the data can be provided to you or a third party in a structured, commonly used format. Where we rely only on our legitimate interests to process the data you have a right to object and we will consider this. We confirm that our firm does not have any automated decision-making and profiling processes.

To exercise your rights please make a request in writing to the person dealing with your case, or to our data protection officer, together with proof of identity. Fuller details of our procedures are available in our data subject access policy which is available on request from our data protection officer. These will be sent to you when we receive a data subject access request from you and we will usually process your request free of charge and within 30 days.


Who can you complain to?

If you are unhappy about how we are using your information or how we have responded to your request, then initially you should contact our Data Protection Officer, Mr Charles Worthington.

If your complaint remains unresolved then you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, details available at


Website Data Policy 

Our Privacy Policy tells you what will happen to any personal data that you provide to us as a result of using this website. The information is written for the benefit of general visitors to the website - if you are a client of ours (or become one) we process a wider range of personal data and deal with a broader range of privacy-related issues. Clients are provided detailed information about this during the engagement process.

Personal Data You Provide

Your privacy is important to us. By providing personal information such as your name and e-mail address via the forms on this website, you agree to us contacting you with regard to the information provided.

Some forms on our website also include a check box asking you for permission to add you to our mailing list. This is an opt-in mailing list and your personal information will be used solely by us (and all such emails include a link for opt-out).

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use the data you provide via this website to:

  • communicate with you, for example: we use contact details such as email address or phone number when responding to enquiries made via online forms
  • monitor website trends, for example: we use Google Analytics to help us aggregate traffic so we can monitor how the website is being used
  • operate our business more effectively, for example: we seek feedback and use this to help improve our service

Our "Lawful Reasons" For Processing Your Personal Data

The "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR) is the primary piece of legislation defining your rights over our processing of your personal information. The GDPR requires us to declare which of six "lawful reasons" we are relying on when we are processing your personal data: we operate on the basis of "consent" when sending newsletters (you won't get sent a newsletter unless you have explicitly opted in to receive one).... and we operate on the basis of "legitimate interest" when communicating with you in other ways (e.g. when responding to your enquiry).

How Long We Keep Personal Data

Personal data may be stored by the website for a period of up to 90 days after which time it is removed automatically.

Transfer of Personal Data

From time to time we may pass personal data such as your name and email address to other services that we use to send out newsletters and other communications (both electronic and print). However, your personal data will remain in the EU or countries considered by the EU to have equivalent policies such as Jersey, Guernsey, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada. Companies based in the USA that have certified with the EU-US Privacy Shield programme are also considered to be permitted destinations by the EU (this includes popular US products like Gmail, DropBox and MailChimp).

Questions or Complaints

In the first instance we hope you will contact us directly with any questions or complaints (contact details are displayed prominently on this website). However, legal rights regarding privacy are the remit of the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and you will find more information about how to complain here:

Our Use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to monitor how our website is being used so we can make improvements. Our use of Google Analytics requires us to pass to Google your IP address (but no other information) - Google uses this information to prepare site usage reports for us, but Google may also share this information with other Google services. In particular, Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. Related information: