Jo a health support worker had been accepted onto a University Course to train as a nurse. She had a conviction that was disclosed by her to the University before being accepted onto the course. DBS checks had been carried out at the time and the University had carried out suitable risk and fitness to practice assessments.
To Jo’s alarm and distress, half way through her training, she was suspended from the course because in one of her placements she was required to work with children and vulnerable persons and both the University and the DBS had only to date considered the relevance of Jo’s conviction to her work with adults.
How did we help Jo?
Jo was invited to make representations as to why she should not be included on the Children and Vulnerable Adults Barred List. We were able to help Jo at length, preparing representations for her, including the original circumstances of her criminal case, her mitigation and why and how that was relevant to the decision whether she should go on the Barred List.
Fortunately, after receiving our representations in a timely fashion, the DBS were able to make a quick and favourable decision and Jo was able to resume her studies.
How we can help you.
We can assist you in formulating representations to the DBS and in Fitness to Practice hearings. We always stay up to date with any changes in legislation or case-law so that we are in the best position to advise you. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your case, please contact Ben Lansbury on 0208 563 9797, or, for further information.